Saturday, July 20, 2013

Our adoption story: Nothing like hurry up and wait!

So, as the previous post said, we signed on with Heart to Heart Adoptions. We were excited to get back into the process and had high hopes for this agency. It was all for not. After 6 months our profile had not been shown one single time. Any communication we had with our agency was all instigated on my end. I would receive mass emails of "I know the waiting is hard..." It was so impersonal and cold. Eventually we got word that our adoption coordinator had been promoted and our new one would be contacting us soon. To the best of my recollection, we never received any introduction or communication from her. I was getting really discouraged and was ready to throw in the towel.

It felt as if our dreams of being parents were never going to come true. Both Rich and I ached to become parents but it didn't feel as if it was in the cards for us. I kept telling myself that God hears the desires of our hearts and He knows that Rich and I want to be parents that surely it would happen. But after months and months of me contacting our agency, and getting little response from them, it felt like this was all unattainable.

We had been through so many ups and downs with Katia's adoption not happening I was beginning to wonder if I could do this. Was I strong enough to continue on this roller coaster of emotions and not end up in a padded cell at the end. Even  my family was beginning to doubt and look for other options for us, make suggestions of things to try. It wasn't until a phone call from my brother, and what came after that, that I began to feel hopeful and excited about this journey again.

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