Friday, February 5, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Only 71 days to go, but in the mean time...

What an exciting time this is. We have sent out all the invitations and have started to get the response cards back. It is so much fun checking the mail in the evenings and seeing who responded and who is coming to celebrate with us.

I will be flying home to Texas this next week. I have a lot to do in a short amount of time but I am very excited for this trip. Between dress fittings, hair and makeup meetings, figuring out the seating plan and layout for the reception venue, the first meeting with the DJ for the play list at the wedding, and a million other little but very important tasks, I will be enjoying my time with family and friends who will be celebrating in both the Bachelorette party and the wedding shower. This is such an exciting time and I cant believe that the big day is just around the corner!

I am a little worried, we are getting a snow storm of historic proportions and they are expecting us to be shut down for a few days. I normally wouldn't let this bother me at all, but after looking at the 10 day forecast and seeing that snow is also expected on Tuesday and Wednesday as well, its making me a little nervous. I am hoping that it is no more than a light dusting later in the week so that I can get out and get home on Thursday so that the festivities can begin!!

I will keep you posted and take pictures and post them as this blizzard hits. This is more snow than this area has seen since 1922, or so they are predicting...Wish us luck! :)

1 comment:

  1. Snow, snow go away come again another day!!!! I hope you get out of there on time and arrive in Tx on time!!!! Cross your fingers and your toes!!!!!
    Let the fun begin! It's going to be so much fun!!!!!
    I love you!!!!!
