Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our Adoption Story: More Birthday Wishes?

Rich and I both went to work the morning of his birthday, Jan 30. We had plans with some of our good friends for dinner that night to celebrate his birthday. It was going to be a good day.

While at work I got a call from our agency. Kathie was calling because they had a birthmother that was due very soon and looking for a family and was having trouble finding one she liked. From what they were seeing, and what she was saying she wanted, they thought we would be a good match for her.

I was very excited, hopeful and still very guarded and trying to keep my feelings in check. I didn't want to get too excited before knowing more and before talking with Rich. I was also at work and Rich and I had decided not to tell anyone anything until we had the baby in our arms. I was trying not to let on what was going on and who I was on the phone with etc. This is hard to do when you share an office, but I think I was able to pull it off to a certain extent.

I spoke to Kathie for a while and then called Rich. It was hard because this situation seemed to be perfect, but the expenses for this adoption were more than we could comfortably afford. This is the same situation that we were presented with a couple of weeks ago and had to walk away from, for this very reason. Rich and I spoke and he gave me a top number for us. I emailed Kathie with a couple of questions about the birth mother and also about the finances.

Kathie explained that there had already been some professional courtesy fees waived but that she would tell the law office, that was who the birth mother was working with and they contacted our agency, what we could do and see what they said. She said that she would present it as a "take it or leave it" number and just see what they said. She was very supportive about us not wanting to go above what we could afford and about being comfortable with the amount of money we spent to adopt. Never once was there any pressure or suggestion to go above what we said we could do.

So Kathie presented our number and we just had to sit back and wait...Have I mentioned I am not a patient person and I hate waiting!? Cuz I'm not, and I hate the hurry up and wait routine...

Later that night, we went to celebrate Rich's birthday. We had a great time and no one knew anything. I think I was even able to push the thoughts of all that had transpired during that day aside and focus on having a good time and celebrating my husband. Happy Birthday Rich, I love you!!!


  1. Hello Michelle and Rich,
    Are you still looking to adopt? If so please, please call me. 207-553-3465

    1. Hi Michelle,

      We are currently in transit, moving back to the east coast. We would be happy to speak with you. You can call us at 419-855-2663.

      Thanks for contacting us. With us moving, I haven't been on here in a few days.
