Friday, January 13, 2012

So much to be Thankful for!!

For Thanksgiving Rich and I were able to go to Cleveland and spend a week with his family. We had a great time with all the brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and of course his parents as well.

on Thanksgiving everyone came over to Ma and Pop's house for some tasty food and good times together. With 7 kids it gets a little loud, Pop's turned on Tom and Jerry and we had a few moments of quieted bliss as they all lined up to watch the cartoon.

Katie and Emily with Papa

When Rich and I are in town, we try to get together for a "brother/sister" night. We were able to do this the first full day we were in town. The kids had a pajama and balloon party. It was great to have good girl time while the boys all caught up and the kids played.

Our niece Katie and I on Thanksgiving. Such a cutie, she wore two different shoes and her favorite princess night gown under her dress.
Ma and Pops wanted pictures of each of the families on Thanksgiving:

Stacy, Steve, Justin, Emily and Katie

Jen, Eddie, Jake and Dominic

Michelle, Ed, Mike and Ryan

It is always good to see the family. Wish we were a little closer so we could see them all more often, but we are thankful for the time we get with them when we do!

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