This year Rich and I drove to Austin for Christmas. We got out of ABQ later than we wanted because all the highways were shut down thanks to Old Man Winter's snow storm the night before we left. We finally arrived in Austin about 4:30 am on Christmas Eve.
After sleeping for a few hours Rich and I got up and spent some time with the family, including going to church with Mitch, Natalie and the kids and having dinner with them and mom at Mesa Rosa.
I have so many pictures from Christmas. It is hard to pick which ones to post here...below are just a few of my favorites. this post would be a mile long if I posted all of my favorites!!
For Christmas, we all chipped in and got mom a new puppy. Her new little bundle of miniature schnauzer joy is Rhett Buttler. He quickly became a beloved family member, he is a cutie pie and has energy I could only dream of having. (Sadly, last night Rhett fell off moms bed and broke his leg in two places. The little man will be having surgery to mend his leg. Prayers for a safe surgery and a quick mending process. Prayers for moms nerves too as her baby undergoes the surgery)

Blythe's birthday is December 30th. She had a Pajama and "Pampakes" party in the morning and we had a family dinner (complete with Pok-e-Joe's BBQ) and cake that evening before RIch and I headed back to ABQ the next morning. Below, David is giving Blythe her birthday kiss, awwww (Look at his eyes...that says it all)
After Pajamas and Pampakes, Blythe, Natalie, mom and I all went for a girls afternoon of manicures, pedicures, lunch and shopping. We are teaching her young what a girls day means! :) Blythe and I showing off our nails and toes.
After the pajama party, we stepped outside to take a family photo. David is proudly displaying his missing teeth and Michael is cheese-ing it up, which he does 99% of the time when there is a camera involved.

On Christmas morning, mom. Rich and I went over to the Gumpl's to be there when the kids got up and opened their stuff from Santa. After Rich and I sat in the driveway for 30+ mins...we were finally allowed in the house for all the excitement. apparently when we were told to be there at 7, cuz thats when the kids typically wake up, 7:00 really meant everyone wakes up at 7:30!
On Christmas morning, mom. Rich and I went over to the Gumpl's to be there when the kids got up and opened their stuff from Santa. After Rich and I sat in the driveway for 30+ mins...we were finally allowed in the house for all the excitement. apparently when we were told to be there at 7, cuz thats when the kids typically wake up, 7:00 really meant everyone wakes up at 7:30!
It was cold in the house, Rich decided to sport his hoodie and Michael still had bed head.

Mom gets us White House ornaments for years that are significant, weddings, anniversaries, births etc. We got 2010 ornaments this year. For the year Rich and I got married and the 10th wedding anniversary for Mitch and Natalie
Mom gets us White House ornaments for years that are significant, weddings, anniversaries, births etc. We got 2010 ornaments this year. For the year Rich and I got married and the 10th wedding anniversary for Mitch and Natalie

Happy Birthday Blythe!

It was such a great week home. Was fun to play with the kids, see family and friends and just enjoy the season with good food and fellowship. It is always bitter sweet to leave the family. I will be back again in April to help Natalie with the kids, including Caroline, while Mitch is away with his MBA program. I'm sure it too will be a whirlwind but im looking forward to it!!