Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lots to be Thankful For!

Rich and I were blessed to get to spend this Thanksgiving in Texas with my side of the family. It was a much needed visit to see all my loved ones, I hadn't seen anyone since the wedding in April and was in desperate need of some family love.

One thing that we did was go to the BlueBell factory. In all my 26 years living in Texas I had never taken the hour and a half drive to Brenham to go to BlueBell. The Gumpl Gang, Rupanovics and SheRa decided there was no time like the present! We loaded the kids up one morning and off we went.

You cant take the tour without the proper attire!

Mitch's close up is what I would call "special"! :)

Michael was beyond ready for his scoop!

All I can say is YES PLEASE!

Enjoying our scoop after the tour. MMMmmmMMMmmm GOOOD! Man I love me some BlueBell Peppermint Ice Cream!

Dad and Beth met Rich and I at Home Slice Pizza in Austin (If you haven't been, was MMMmmm GOOD!). Since Mitch needed peace and quiet in the house for his study group and the kids wanted to see Grandma Beth and Grandpa George, they came along too.

David was being silly and was convinced that there was a camera in the spinning hamburger across the street so Natalie snapped this picture as we were saying "CHEESE" at the Hamburger.

La Margarita Goodness!
DJ and SheRa are beloved members of our family. The kids love spending time with each of them, as do Rich, Mom, Nat and I. It was a fun and yummy dinner at La Margarita and I am glad that DJ and SheRa were able to join us for this, what is now a family tradition, before Rich and I headed back to NM!

Mom and Rich after enjoying a great meal with family at La Margarita. It was sad that Mitch was in class and couldn't join us!

My sweet sweet Sister in Love. I cant imagine my life without this special person in it. She has blessed me in so many ways and I love every moment we get to spend together!

Heading back home :(
These two boys are BFF's! Michael, and Rich, enjoyed their time together during our visit. It didn't matter where Michael was, if he saw me he would say (sometimes even yell) "Rich". This was taken on the way to the airport. Michael was making sure Rich's eyes were well protected from the sun, he let him borrow his Transformers sun glasses for the trip.

It was truly a blessed time home with the family. My brother cooked a fantastic 28 lb turkey for all of us on Thanksgiving and between my mom and Aunts and Natalie there was enough food and pie to feed an army. We were equally blessed to have Ms. Bonnie spend Thanksgiving with us as well.
Black Friday was not so bad, Natalie and I started our shopping day at about 11am, first stop: Starbucks, and I was able to complete most of the shopping that we needed and have it wrapped and under moms tree that night. Minimizing shipping costs was our goal this year! :)
We had a great time home with good food, great friends and many loved ones. Hopefully I wont have to wait so long to see you all again!

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