Today is Rich's 40th Birthday. Last night I surprised him by taking him to Vernon's, it is Albuquerque's best steakhouse. Vernon's is an underground speakeasy restaurant, you even need a secret password to get in. I had invited some of Rich's friends to join us and 'surprise' him by being there when we arrived. It took a little planning but it was a great evening with good wine, tasty food, fun and friends. Thanks Bill, Tiffany, and Tim for helping make this a memorable birthday for Rich!

Being the loving, and much younger, wife that I am I made sure that Rich had all of the "over the hill" gag-gifts I could find. He is wrapped with caution tape that says "WARNING Party in Progress, It's My 40th B-day" He has a big lolly-pop that says "40 Sucks" and a kit of "spare parts" that he can put in water and let them grow and replace as needed. There was a whole bag of goodies, including a blinking pin I made him wear and a beaded necklace that said "Behold the ageless wonder". ;) I'm sure when its my turn this will all come back to haunt me!

Shortly after we sang Happy Birthday to Rich and he blew out his candle, a lady sitting two tables over commented that we were the worst she had ever heard sing Happy Birthday. We didn't know we were trying out for American Idol while singing!!!!