Tom, Rich's best friend from the academy, is now and instructor. One of his students is on the football team and gave Tom tickets so that we could go to the game. We had fantastic seats, it was fun to see all the tradition that the academy has and be able to see a glimpse into the life of a cadet, through Rich's eyes.
We arrived to the stadium just as the cadets were marching onto the field. I couldn't get through the crowd so Beth squeezed her way through to snag a picture of them marching through the tunnel for me. Thanks Beth!
As the cadets come out of the tunnel they march onto the field.
Pretty soon the whole field is filled with cadets. Pretty cool, if I do say so myself!
After the National Anthem and the Cadets are released to their seats in the stadium, the pre-game show begins. The parachuters jump from high above and land on the 50 yard line. There was one with the American flag, the POW/MIA flag, the Air Force Flag as well as the Falcon Mascot himself.
Shortly after the last jumper landed, one of them proposed to his girlfriend at center field. Sweet, but Rich and I keep wondering how he got her on the field without her knowing something was up....
There was of course the traditional fly over. Apparently they were F16 planes. I didn't know this, when Tom asked me what kind of fly over we had my response was "a good one"...Rich laughed at me. Apparently that question required a response with the type of air craft that was flown, as if I would know this by looking at the underside of them as they flew over head at the speed of light!?
Let the game begin....and boy did it. The Falcons scored the first touch down in the first 60 seconds of the game.
Somewhere out there I am convinced is Shelia's husband, I just couldn't zoom in enough to pin point which one he is. Guess we need to go to another game! :)
At the half time show, the falcon is usually flown. This game however, she didn't fly. We were told this was only her second appearance at a game and both times she suffered from stage fright. Rich said this is the first time he has EVER seen that happen...lucky us!
Thanks Beth for taking this picture for us!
49-27, not too shabby! Way to go AFA!!
Off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun; Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, At'em boys, give'er the gun! Down we dive, spouting our flame from under, off with one helluva roar! We live in fame of go down in flame. Hey! Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!
We had a great weekend! We were able to spend time with Beth, Tom and Jen, Tori and Rich's sponsors from his time at the academy. I look forward to our next visit!
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