I know its been a long time since I posted anything. Life has been a little hectic since the wedding.
Speaking of the wedding, it was everything I ever hoped for and so much more. It truly was my fairy tale wedding. I enjoyed every moment of it and every moment I was blessed to have with my family and friends in the last few days of preparation! Everything from finishing the programs to bottling the wine Rich and I made, dress fittings and bridal portraits. It was a lot of work but it was also a lot of good girl time! 

The wedding was FANTASTIC. It was so beautiful and so personalized towards Rich and I. I couldn't have asked for anything more. 

The reception was a blast. The only thing was, I didn't want it to end. It was great food, great friends/family and great dancing. That part of the night was the only thing I would have liked to have changed, made the party last longer! :)

I just got the pictures from our photographer. There are over 800 of them. I will post some of those soon. Here are a couple, a sneak peak of whats to come:

Great pictures!