After taking the x-rays I was then placed back in the exam room to wait some more. My 1:30 appointment really meant I wouldn't see the Dr until 4:00, go figure. After the doctor came in and took a look at the x-rays, to which he said "That's what I like to see", he told me the game plan. 8 weeks of physical therapy, orthodox and hard sole shoes should set me on my way to dancing the night away come 4/17/10.
After the doctor left I had some guy come talk to me and write a prescription for orthodox. Next came the worst part of the whole appointment, sadly this was the part that I was looking most forward to but that hurt the worst. The doctors assistant came in at this point and told me she was going to "try" not to hurt me, i knew right away this was bad news. After using "elbow grease" she finally was able to get the pin out. I instantly felt light headed, from the pain, and thought I was going to pass out. This was not a fun experience but it is out and I can start on the road to recovery!

Physical therapy is not going to be easy, I have to learn how to walk all over again. I have not been in normal shoes or walking regularly since August so it is going to take some time for me to learn to walk on my whole foot and not just the outside of it. This should be an interesting process, I know it wont be easy but as the doctor said my "carrot dangling in front" of me is our first dance as man and wife (not to mention the dances that will follow that)!!
One thing is for sure, I CAN NOT WAIT for my next pedicure!!!
Amen sista! Let's get a pedicure together in Feb! You are a strong determined woman and you'll get through this!!!!!