couldnt decide which to wear so I sported both all evening! :)
Missie, Me, Audrey and Sasha (The hosts of the evening)
Last weekend my wonderful friends here in the DC area hosted a bachelorette party for me. Rich was in Cleveland enjoying his Bachelor party and know what they say: "While the cats away, the mice shall play" only in this instance it was us girls! :) It was great fun! They rented a hotel "condo" of sorts where most of us crashed for the evening.
We had a wonderful adult learning experience, awesome food, friends, games and fellowship. I am so blessed to have the friends I do and cant imagine celebrating this time in my life without each and every one of them! Thank you to you all for making everything so special!
Erin and I
Rocking Interpreter and friend Mindy
Missie (sideways...for some reason I cant rotate it)
Sasha showing off her bag of goodies
Audrey too
Mindy and Naked Nick, ready for action